Kennedy John F.

 "Wo Unrecht zu Recht wird, wird Widerstand zur Pflicht" , Berthold Brecht, Goethe usw.

Mittwoch, 28. November 2018

The George Soros paid Caravan to USA!

very interested information about the George Soros paid Caravan to USA

They are getting offered Jobs in Mexiko and they refused it.
They want asylum in USA?That caravan is paid by George Soros . They are no real asylum seeking people. Those are not real " Refugees."
We had the same with the refugees in Mazedonia who refused water and food. The same happened in Sweden, they only wanted money! These are no real asylum seeking people. They are paid by Soros . so they do not need the money. If they need money they should get to Soros. May be you should ask them , why they are paid from George Soros, what they have to do for the money. They make here only riots and problems.

The real people who need real asylum has no chance anymore.

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